- Alexander Yanai Vol 5
- Reel 16, Track 1, Lesson 3
- Part of the set of lessons relating to “spine like a Chain” or “Jelly Pudding”. In this lesson, rather than exploring ways for moving parts of the spine independently, instead the intent is for all the energy of movement (from the feet) is transposed up the spine towards the head. The sequence of steps in the lesson have variations of shifting the spine, from the pelvis to the neck but with the constant intent, for the work/force to go to the head. In this way, the lesson helps the student find a neutral spine (from the tailbone to the top of the cervical spine).
- In the latter part of the lesson the head is bent to the side helping the system to asymmetrically move along the spine (feel movement on one side, and constraint, on the other).
Lesson Outline
- Lie on the back with feet standing on the floor and arms by the side of the body. The legs are spread. Push the floor with the legs so the force goes through the skeleton and moves the head. Many times, with light continuous movements (Moving like jelly). Make sure the pelvis and head remain on the floor and there is no strain. Rest.
- Right foot standing, left leg long, left arm above the head. Push with the right leg, so that the left arm moves up the floor. The movement is on a diagonal. Go quickly. Then slowly and deliberately. Then again fast. Rest.
- Repeat #2 switching “right” and “left”. Rest.
- Legs long. Push with the heals so that the force goes through the skeleton to the head. You can help with the palms of your hands. Rest.
- Feet standing, hands on the side of the body, and pelvis in the air. Repeat the movement. Push the skeleton so it lengthens the neck. Rest
- Right foot standing, left arm lying above the head. Roll the body to the left to place the left ear on the left arm.
- With the right hand, old the head from above. At the end of the movement lift the head.
- Do the movement quickly.
- Accentuate the lifting of the head at the end of every push. Let air come out of the lungs while lifting. Rest.
- Repeat #6 switching “right” and “left”. Rest.
- Two feet standing on the floor. Cross the right leg above the left. Turn the face to the right. Place the left hand behind the right ear, on the floor. And now, push upward with the left leg. Lift the head from the floor while pushing, at the end of the push. Rest.
- Repeat #8 switching “right” and “left”. Rest.
- Lie on the stomach with legs spread and toes in running position. Hands standing next to the chest. Push the spine upward with the help of the hands and with the feet. Back and forth many times. Lift the head enough that the floor will not rub the face.
- Lie on the stomach. Right toes in running position. Right hand standing by chest Left arm above the head, straight up. Left ear on the arm. Push with the right leg (not with the left) and right hand the body toward the left arm. Push many times.
- With each push, lift the head with the help of the right hand.
- Do it fast. Rest.
- Repeat #11 switching “right” and “left”. Rest.
- Lie on the back. Feet standing. With both hands, hold the hair just above the ears. Push with the feet. Toward the end of the movement, lift the head.
Focus of Moshe’s Teaching
- In step 6, Moshe says, “It is important to notice that the left side of the chest stays on the floor and the spine comes up. It softens all the ribs on the left side. [It softens] the joints of the ribs at the spine and at the sternum.”
- Moshe also is clear that you should make the movements in a way that does not interfere with the breath. Also, “Breathe so breathing will not be connected to the movement. In other words, air will come in and go out in a previously known rhythm without any relationship to the pushing”
Related ATMs
Almost identical to AY000.1 Shape of a Jelly
- Tag Jelly-pudding-pelvis
- Tag Pulling-hair
- Tag Diagonals
- Tag Lengthening-arms
- Tag Palms-on-floor-supine
- Tag Fast-movements
- Tag Softening the chest
- Tag Skewering-spine
- Recording by Olena Nitefor on OpenATM:
Share Your Insights (ideas, principles, strategies, experiences, …)
- I am recovering from a severely sprained ankle and found the lesson delightful. I took extra time with my affected foot, pushing from various parts. In the section with the asymmetrical pushing (knees crossed), I found parts of my pelvis and low back were confused – so I had clearly held these areas in response to the ankle. –
rblack Feb 10, 2018 rob black
- This is similar to the untranslated lesson, Reel #1, Track #1, Lesson #1 and this untranslated lesson was taught by Moti Nativ on 2/26/2021 to the AYaDay group. Moti said that the principle is that by gluing of the ribs to the floor while moving the spine you work on the distal ribs.
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