Your study guide for ATM lessons



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Lesson Outline

  1. Lie on the back to begin (scan), and when resting.
  2. Lie on your L side, knees bent, R knee lying in front of L knee on the floor. L arm extended overhead along the floor, with head resting on L arm.
    1. R arm extends towards the ceiling.
    2. Very slowly, move R arm a little towards the floor at shoulder height and follow with the eyes — head stays on L arm or the floor, R knee stays on the floor.
    3. Repeat this very small, subtle movement, keeping R knee on the floor and NOT attempting to roll backwards to the R.
    4. Close R hand into a fist while pointing at the ceiling and close the eyes.
    5. Extend L arm along the floor at shoulder height, back of L hand on the floor and make a fist.
    6. With eyes still closed, imagine that R and L arms are equal length and both fists of equal size (L will appear shorter/smaller).
    7. Continue imagining equal length of arms and size of fists as with eyes still closed, you look towards R fist as if it was moving backwards to floor at shoulder height.
    8. With eyes open, follow R arm & fist as you lower R fist towards the floor at shoulder height.
  3. Rest on your back as you imagine someone pressing through your sitz bones to lengthen your spine.
  4. Repeat #2 while you lie on your R side, this time continuing with the image of someone pressing through the sitz bones to lengthen the spine.
  5. Rest on your back and then lift your R arm towards the ceiling.
    1. Very slowly begin bringing your R arm across and down towards the L with your whole body following, until eventually, you will be rolled onto your L side with your R leg remaining behind your L leg along the floor.
    2. Make R hand into a fist and bring R elbow towards belly. Simultaneously bring bent R knee towards your belly with R foot flexed. (R arm and leg are now slightly above the floor.)
    3. Keeping R had in a fist and R foot flexed, slowly extend R fist and R flexed heel away from each other until they gradually create a straight line, with R arm extending past your head (upwards)and in front, and R heel extending backwards and downwards. Follow movement of R fist with eyes. Keep lengthening spine. (You may need to partially bend L knee along the floor, for stability.)
    4. In this position, also pay attention to length and extension along the L side that is resting on the floor.
    5. Slowly repeat bringing R elbow and knee into the stomach, towards each other, and then extending away from each other in this long diagonal.
  6. Rest on your back; then lift your L arm towards the ceiling, and repeat #5 on the opposite side.
  7. Rest, then lie on your L side, knees bent, R knee lying in front of L knee on the floor. Raise R arm towards the ceiling and extend L arm along the floor at shoulder height, back of L hand on the floor. Head rests on the floor.
    1. Make fists with both hands. While holding the fists, curve lips towards ears and expose teeth, as if you were smiling, but make this a slow,purely physical movement of the mouth.
    2. See if you can create fists and gradually “smile” at the same time. As in #2f, imagine that both arms are same length and both fists are same size.
    3. Next, alternate making a fist with only one hand as you “smile” to see how this affects the ease & shape of your “smile.” (R arm can rest along your side when making L fist.)
    4. Remaining on your L side, with R hand in a fist and R foot flexed, open your eyes as you bring R elbow and knee towards each other and then extend them away from each other, gradually creating a new diagonal line — this time, R leg extends forward and down, as R arm extends behind and up, with eyes following R fist.
    5. Create this extended line through slow, controlled movements so that you stay completely on L side, without rolling backwards towards the R. (You may need to partially bend L knee along the floor, for stability.)
    6. Also pay attention to lengthening along the entire L side that remains on the floor.
    7. Repeat these slow movements while also simultaneously creating a “smile.”
  8. Rest on back, then lie on your R side and repeat #7.
  9. Rest on back, then come to standing and observe any differences from before this ATM.

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

  • Indicate focus or key principles that are made explicit in the teaching

Related ATMs





Pushing the heel, sidelying:




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