AY527 Extending arms and knees
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 11 Reel 34, Track 3, Lesson 1 Duration of the recording: 38 min. Synopsis An “advanced twist” lesson, in which you lie on the side with the bottom leg extended long and the top leg bent at straight angles on the floor in front, and come to rest both shoulder blades […]
AY114 Four diagonals in folding
Source Alexander Yanai, Vol 3 #114 Reel 9, Track 1, Lesson 5 Synopsis lifting shoulder and opposite hip connecting the diagonals across the front Lesson Outline right arm to ceiling, lift shoulder so that arm lowers to left hip left leg to ceiling, lift left hip so foot goes in direction of right shoulder other […]
AY028 Legs crossed and expanding chest and abdomen
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 1 #28 Reel 3, Track 1, Lesson 2 (according to Eva Laser https://www.somatik.se) 3/1/2 and also 16/3/3 – identical lessons (AS) Reel 1, Track 1, Side A, Lesson 2 (IFF) Duration 42 min. For German see AYnmal täglich: Beine überkreuz und Brustkorb und Bauch erweitern Synopsis This “coordinating flexors and extensors” […]
AY104 Lifting of the back in the knees or lifting of the back with the knees
Source Alexander Yanai, Vol 3 #104 Reel 8, Track 3, Lesson 2 Synopsis on back, knees over the chest, holding knees, lowering the feet to the floor to come to sitting. Lesson Outline on back, feet standing hold right knee with right hand, lower foot towards the floor left hand both hands other side hands […]
AY170 Lifting the head diagonally
Source Alexander Yanai Volume 4 Reel 12, Track 3, Lesson 2 Synopsis The lesson has two apparent parts. The first part uses the process of raising one hip and bringing the opposite ear towards it (hence rounding in certain parts of the back, and folding in the chest). The second part uses a process of […]
AY059 – Lifting the head with the hands
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 2 #59 Reel 5, Track 1, Lesson 1 Synopsis A flexion lesson of lifting head, lifting legs, and moving head to the legs. Interesting variations: Having the legs long pointing to the ceiling and then circling the legs Having the legs long pointing to the ceiling and then bringing the legs […]
AY043 Lifting the pelvis on standing feet
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 1 AY43 Reel 4, Track 1, Lesson 1 Synopsis Coordinating the lifting of pelvis and head towards coming to sit. Experimenting with different strategies for lifting the pelvis while supine. Organizing the legs, head and spine to support movement of the pelvis Lesson Outline Sitting with crossed legs, first lift one […]
AY526 On the side caressing straight legs
Source Alexander Yanai Volume 11 Reel 34, Track 2, Lesson 4 Duration of the recording: 40 min. Synopsis Lying on the side (and on the back), with both legs extended in front or one in front and one behind, slide the hands along the front of the leg or the floor to lift the head; […]
AY097 Optimal lifting of the knees
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 2 #97 Reel 8, Track 1, Lesson 1 Synopsis Lifting the knees while lying on the back. Lesson Outline Most of lesson is done lying on back, arms by the sides, with both feet standing. The legs are spread. As you lift each knee observe the movements in the ribs, […]
AY019 Preparation for a clock
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 1 AY #19 Reel 2, Track 2, Lesson 4 (according to Eva Laser https://www.somatik.se) Reel 2, Track 1, Side B, Lesson 4 (IFF) in Hebrew identical to 16/2/4 (AS) Duration 36 min. For German see AYnmal täglich: Vorbereitung für eine Uhr Synopsis This “preparation” for a pelvic clock works in lying […]