Your study guide for ATM lessons

ATM Basic Series – 2. Fundamental Properties of Movement 2

Source Awareness Through Movement Basic Series Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Minimal Lifting: Resources Add links to external resources that would be of interest to the […]

ATM Basic Series – 1. Fundamental Properties of Movement 1 (ATM Book Lesson 3)

Source Awareness Through Movement Basic Series Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Minimal Lifting: Resources Add links to external resources that would be of interest to the […]

SFEC Notes – 16. Lifting legs and arms (Aug 2)

Source SF Evening Class Notes (1976) (Ehrman, ed; 2006) Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching Question: What is the preliminary organization of the movement? What sort of pre-arrangement of the body is made? Related ATMs SF Public Workshop – Vol. 2 – 8. […]

SFEC Public Workshop – Vol. 2 – 8. Coordinating legs and arms

Source SF Evening Session Public Workshop (1976) (3 Volumes) only the second half of the lesson (33 min.). The first part is a long talk on the difference between homo sapiens and animals in ability to learn. (in the recordings Vol. 3 – 1. What is Human (talk)). Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline […]

Amherst 2 – Week 1 – 06/09/81 Flexing of right palm / Press floor to lift knee

Source Amherst Year 2 (1981) Duration of the recording: 59 min. Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Tag Minimal-lifting Tag Imagining Tag Lecture Tag  Habits Tag Self-preservation Tag Minimal-pressing Tag […]

AY029 Minimal lifting

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 1 Reel 3, Track 1, Lesson 3 (according to Eva Laser Reel 3, Track 1, Lesson 3, Side B (IFF) identical to 16/3/4 (AS) Duration 36 min. For German see AYnmal täglich: Minimales Heben Synopsis On the back, then on the front, lift leg, lift arm, then both together on […]

AY172 Stopping the Breath

Source Alexander Yanai Volume 4, Part A Reel 12, Track 3, Lesson 5 Synopsis using a concept of part of the cycle of the breath, and adding profoundly gentle movements in a variety of positions, the student increases his/her sensitivity and awareness to discover habits in stopping the breath (and, of course, paradoxically, releasing exactly […]

ATM Book – 3. Some Fundamental Properties of Movement

Source ATM Book Lesson #3 Synopsis Lying on your stomach and back with your arms above your head, raise your arms and legs in various combinations. Lesson Outline The key movements are: On your back, raise you right upper arm using your shoulder On your stomach, raise your elbow then raise your whole arm. On […]

AY076 Slow lifting; on the stomach

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 2 #76 Reel 6, Track 2, Lesson 5 (according to Eva Laser Reel 6, Track 2, Lesson 3 (This reference is identical to the reference of AY074 in the IFF edition.) correction: 074 is 6/2/3, 076 is 6/2/5 in Hebrew (AS) Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline On […]

AY060 On the stomach

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 2 #60 Reel 5, Track 1, Lesson 2 (This reference is identical to the reference of AY064 in the IFF edition.) correction: 060 is 5/1/2, 064 is 5/2/2 (AS) Synopsis Lying, learn to lift stuff off the floor (shoulder, knee, pelvis etc) without disturbing your breath or stiffening the chest etc. […]