Your study guide for ATM lessons

Amherst 1 – Week 4 – 06/30/80 Rolling to the right and left (#1)

Source Amherst Year 1 (1980) – Week 4 Duration of the recording: 50 min. Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Tag Holding-chin Tag Coming-to-sit Tag Rolling-to-sit Tag […]

AY442 Ankle on the Knee to Sitting

Source Alexander Yanai Vol. 9 Reel 28, Track 4, Lesson 3 Duration of the recording: 43 minutes Synopsis Coming from lying to sitting by means of holding the knee, leg or foot. This is a pretty ‘gymnastic’ lesson which ends with a brief visit to primary image and using swallowing to influence breathing, which is […]

AY420 In sitting – twisting with the eyes

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 9 Lesson #420 Reel 27, Track 2, Lesson 4 Duration of the recording: 35 minutes Synopsis This is a classic Dead Bird lesson but without the strong focus on the eyes that is found in ATM Book lesson 10. Lesson Outline The base position is in side sitting with the hand […]

AY332 With the hand leaning on the knee

Source AY Volume 7, Part B. Reel 22, Track 4, Lesson 4 Duration: 43 minutes Synopsis The title is incorrect. At no time does one use the hand to lean on the knee. This is a nice preparation/clarification of some functions needed in the Yoga pose “Downward Dog” The first part of the lesson investigates […]

AY131 Twisting the pelvis and shoulders with a swing

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 3 Reel 10, Track 1, Lesson 2 Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline (steps are mine and not Moshe’s) Supine, arms by side. Stand R leg. Push with foot to raise R pelvis.– Listen to what this does in the spine, chest, and lower back. – Eyes and head […]

AY314 Preparation for a candle

Source Alexander Yanai Volume 7, Part A Reel 21, Track 4, Lesson 2 Duration: 41 minutes Synopsis “Candle” refers to a yoga pose commonly called the shoulder stand. That is, the person rests on the head and shoulders with the pelvis and legs vertical, the pelvis supported by the hands. In a variety of counter-intuitive […]

AY265 Knees crossed sliding the foot side

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 6 Reel 18, Track 4, Lesson 3 Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Related ATMs Theme Coordinating Flexors and Extensors Tag Softening-chest Tag Twisting     Hoops: Fingers interlaced overhead: Resources This is Charlie Murdach teaching the “reminder” movement for this ATM: Share […]

AY529 Knees crossed having the pelvis lie right and left

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 11 Reel 34, Track 3, Lesson 3 Duration of the recording: 33 minutes Synopsis From hands and knees with the knees crossed (Advancing on all fours (AY 528)), to lying on the side, and picking up the pelvis leaving the cheek on the floor (a strong twist reminiscent of Extending arms […]

AY374 Leaning on the hands and twisting

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 8 Reel 24, Track 4, Lesson 4 Duration of the recording: 45 minutes Synopsis Face down, with the legs apart, knees bent, and inside borders of the feet touching (or the legs together, knees bent), and the hands planted on either side of the shoulders, you push with the hand to […]