Your study guide for ATM lessons



Lesson Outline

Reference Movement (RM)
Auxiliary Movement (AM)

  1. Reference Movement (RM)
    Lie on back, feet standing, make fists of hands and place fists underneath pelvis.  Lift bent legs into the air and swing them towards the floor in the direction of the shoulders.

    1. Head lifts every time the legs swing.  Make it simultaneous.  Head and legs swing in one movement.  Return and repeat.


  2. Auxiliary Movement #1 (AM)
    • Sitting, arms in front at shoulder height elongated, swing whole body, arms and legs backward.
    • Arms will be close to legs at one point.  Find balance, equilibrium point with leg swing towards floor in direction of shoulders and balance there. Many times


  3. RM variation 2
    Supine, feet standing, arms at shoulder height, press hands downwards to floor, as you swing both bent legs towards the floor in the direction of the shoulders.
  4. RM variation 3:
    Same as #3; except one leg, left leg, swings first…right foot presses, and then follows left leg, it follows after.
  5. RM variation 4
    Same as #3; except one leg, right leg, swings first…left foot presses, and then follows right leg. It follows after.  Bend & fold the chest, then it becomes easy.  Exhale, during the swing.

    1. Repeat RM (step 1).


  6. AM #2
    Supine, feet standing, lift left leg, reach left hand between legs to hold left arch of left foot from outside. Straighten and release left leg while holding onto arch of foot. Right foot helps by pushing floor. Rest.
  7. AM #2 variation 1
    Same as#6, except right leg lifted, left foot standing, right hand on arch of right foot. Rest
  8. AM #2 variation 2
    Same as #6, except both legs lifted, each arm to its respective foot’s arch between legs. Legs spread comfortably. As legs straighten, and heels push towards ceiling, the pelvis lifts form floor, body rolls backward onto upper back and shoulder blades. Rest.
  9. AM #3
    Sitting, soles of feet touching, interlace hands behind head, head hangs down, elbows between legs.  Fold yourself, bend yourself more, then straighten yourself.  Many times.Rest.
  10. AM #3 variation 1
    Sitting. Same as #9 (position is asymmetrical so extensor lengthening is diagonal /right shoulder to left pelvis.) Right leg long, left leg stands.  Right hand behind head, left hand leaning behind, face turned left, move right ear/elbow to left knee/leg. Fold and return many times. Rest.
  11. AM#3 variation 2
    Repeat #10 with this change: Left hand behind head, right hand leaning behind, face turned right, move, Left ear/elbow to right knee/leg.  Fold and return many timesRest.
  12. AM#3 variation 3
    Left leg long, Right leg stands, Right hand behind head, left hand leaning behind, face turned left.  Move right ear/elbow to left knee/leg. Fold and return many timesRest.
  13. AM#3 variation 4:
    Repeat #12 with this change: Left hand behind head, right hand leaning behind, face turned right.  Direct left ear/elbow to left knee/leg.  Fold and straighten, many times.  Exhale while bending. Rest
  14. Repeat AM#3: (See Step 9)
    Sitting, soles of feet touching, interlace hands behind head, head hangs down, elbows between legs.  Fold yourself, bend yourself more, then straighten yourself.  Many times. Rest.

    1. Repeat AM #2 variation 2 (see step 8):
      Supine, feet standing, both legs lifted, each arm to its respective foot’s arch between legs. Straighten feet to ceiling.  Better than before?  Spread and open your arms and legs over your torso.  Easier to shift point of support higher?


  15. AM #4
    Sit.  Swing backwards so legs are in the air, when pelvis moves through space, catch backside pelvis with both hands.  Elbows close to each other, support pelvis with hands and forearms. Remain like this. (Resembles yoga ‘salamba sarvangasana’) Legs straight now, spread them and gently lower straight legs towards floor and return.  Lower and return straight legs 10 times.

    1. 15a. AM #4 variation 1
      Keep pelvis in air lifted.  Straight Right leg moves towards floor and returns.
    2. 15b. AM #4 variation 2
      Keep pelvis in air lifted.  Straight Left leg moves towards floor and returns.
    3. 15c. AM #4 variation 3
      Keep pelvis in air lifted.  “Tie both legs together”, both legs straight, move towards floor and return.


  16. RM (see step 1)
  17. Roll on side and stand.

Notes by: Patricia Holman/The Feldenkrais Center for Mind, Moving & Learning.  Ashland, Oregon

Focus of the teaching

Related ATMs

Shoulder stand:


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