- Alexander Yanai Vol 8 (351-400)
- Reel 24, Track 3, Lesson 3
- Duration of the recording: 42 minutes
- This lesson starts like a typcial flexion, elbows to knees lesson, but then continues as a rolling over the elbow or through the center to stting. The sitting action is therefore a continuation or reinforcement of the process of improving the folding of the front of the body, and the lengthening of the back of the body. (BenP)
Lesson Outline
- Supine, move elbows to knees, knees to elbows in various configurations. Hold behind teh knees and roll or lift to sitting. One hand behind head and roll or lift to sitting. And variations thereof.
Focus of the teaching
- In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on
Related ATMs
- AY365 Elbows and knees – continuation. (Page 2505)
- AY366 Elbows and knees – continuation. (Page 2511)
- Theme Flexion Lesson
- Tag Coming-to-sit
- Tag Elbow-to-knee
Five winds kata:
- Amherst 1 – Week 2 – 06/18/80 AM1 – Seated and Twist Left, Part 3 (Includes Swiveling)
- Amherst 2 – Week 5 – 07/09/81 Preparation for Headstand / Semi-bridge on back, hold ankles
- Amherst 2 – Week 9 – 08/03/81 AM1 Folding Like a Cat
- AY365 Elbows and knees -continuation
- AY366 Elbows and knees -continuation
- SF2 – Week 06 – 19 July 1976: Five Winds Kata
- SF2 – Week 06 – 20 July 1976: Five Winds Kata continued
- SF2 – Week 06 – 21 July 1976: Five Winds Kata continued
- SF2 – Week 07 – 26 July 1976: Five Winds Kata, continued from Week 6
- SF2 – Week 07 – 27 July 1976: Five Winds Kata, continued
- SF2 – Week 08 – 2 August 1976, pm: Lying Twisted, Lifting the Head and Working the Extensors
- SF2 – Week 09 – 10 August 1976: Five Winds Kata, continued from Weeks 6-7
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- Differing viewpoints are welcome and desired!
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