Your study guide for ATM lessons



Lesson Outline

  1. Lying face down, one hand on top of the other and forehead on back of hand, drag R knee up towards stomach on floor.
  2. Same face up, imagining floor. The outside of your R leg will drag on the floor.
  3. Other side. (Face down and face up.)
  4. Lying face down, arms out straight from the shoulders. Sweep the L arm around under the head, noting turn of palm, until the L hand is palm-to-palm with the R hand, out straight to the R. Note that R leg bends and comes up along the floor.
  5. Same face up, imagining floor constrains you.
  6. Other side. (Face down and face up.)
  7. Side to side. (Face down and face up.)
  8. On knees, elbows and forearms. Slide R knee away. Up towards armpit. Both directions. (Foot lies extended on the floor–i.e. top of toes and top of foot rest on the floor.)
  9. Approximate the same idea face up.
  10. Other side, face down and face up.
  11. Alternating legs so one goes up as one goes down. (Face down and face up.)
  12. On knees, with elbows/forearms on floor and backs of hands down, one inside the other, resting your crown in the top palm. Lift R leg towards armpit and then extend it behind and up.
  13. Other side. Alternate.
  14. Check what the initial movements feel like now.

Alternative Lesson Outline

  1. Prone, forehead on hands. Bend the right knee without lifting the foot or lower leg off the floor. Do not let the foot lift off the floor. Turn the pelvis. “Make the movement faster, but do not hurry. Simpler, faster, easier.”
  2. Supine, do the same movement, as if there were a floor pressing your chest.
    • 2.1 Do it faster
  3. Repeat point 1 on the second side
  4. Repeat point 2 on the second side
  5. Prone, the arms extended left and right at shoulder height. Slide the right arm towards the head, till it eventually passes over to the left and finishes lying under the left arm, palms touching. Notice the turning over of the arm, the rolling of the pelvis, the bending of the left knee up to the belly
    • 5.1 Do it faster
  6. Supine, do the same movement as if there were a floor pressing on the chest
  7. Prone, repeat point 5 on the second side
  8. Supine, repeat point 6 on the second side
  9. Prone, the same movement, but with both arms, alternately. The arms chase each other in movement. Each times the palms touch, rest the head on the floor
  10. Supine, the same movement, as if the floor were pressing on the chest
  11. Come onto forearms and knees. Slide the right knee backwards and return
    • 11.1 Slide the right knee forwards, and return. Keep the leg parallel to the spine, do not rotate the hip (inwards). What do you feel, in the pelvis, head, spine?
    • 11.2 Slide the knee forwards and backwards
  12. & 12.1 & 12.2 Repeat point 11 on the other side (with the left leg)
    • 12.3 Also do it faster
    • 12.4 Alternate the right and left legs
    • 12.5 Continue whereby the legs move simultaneously in opposite directions
    • 12.6 Also do it simply and quickly. ‘Do not stop in the middle’
  13. Supine, lift the knees and elbows as if you were face down, do the sliding movement with the right leg
    • 13.1 Also with the left leg
    • 13.2 Now do it once with the right leg, once with the left leg
  14. Stand on the knees, place the crown in the cupped hands. Extend the right knee backwards and lift the leg in the air
    • 14.1 Move the right knee forwards to the right armpit
    • 14.2 Combine both movements, backwards and forwards
  15. Repeat points 14 on the other side: with the left knee
    • 15.1 Do it more simply and faster
    • 15.2 Alternate the legs
  16. Prone, arms extended at shoulder height left and right. Slide the right arm upwards and round to the left, return and do the same with the left arm
    • 16.1 Each time pull the knee high up
    • 16.2 Do it faster

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

Related ATMs

Same movement supine and prone:


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