Your study guide for ATM lessons



Lesson Outline

  1. Rest.
  2. On hands and feet: Lift R hand. L hand. Both. R foot.
  3. Lift L foot; alternate L and R foot. Both hands. Both feet. Hop, lifting both hands and both feet!
  4. R hand and foot. L hand and foot. Alternate.
  5. Left each diagonal. Alternate.
  6. Try for yourself all these options.
  7. Lift R leg and turn pelvis to sit. R knee goes in space between L foot and L hand. R ankle rests behind L heel. Try not lifting hands.
  8. Other side.
  9. Alternate.
  10. As you sit to L, lift L hand, and turn entirely to the L. Other side.
  11. Side to side, feet not touching.
  12. Arranges people in standing, on the L side of their mats: sit to the R and then continue to the back, both hands and feet in the air. And return in one movement.
  13. Other side.
  14. On hands and feet, lift R hand and foot; L hand and foot; diagonals.
  15. Check out just bending to touch the floor. Easy?

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

  • Indicate focus or key principles that are made explicit in the teaching

Related ATMs


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  • Differing viewpoints are welcome and desired!

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