Your study guide for ATM lessons

AY416 Protruding the abdomen

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 9 AY#416 Reel 27, Track 1, Lesson 5 Duration of the recording: 36 minutes Synopsis This pelvic clock lesson, working in three positions (sitting, leaning on hands; sitting, leaning on elbows and forearms; lying–all with soles of feet together and knees open), starts with exploring just 12/6 in each position, bringing […]

AY019 Preparation for a clock

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 1 AY #19 Reel 2, Track 2, Lesson 4 (according to Eva Laser Reel 2, Track 1, Side B, Lesson 4 (IFF) Duration 36 min. For German see AYnmal täglich: Vorbereitung für eine Uhr Synopsis This “preparation” for a pelvic clock works in lying and sitting, leaning on hands and […]

AY500 Leg to the side

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 10 Reel 32, Track 4, Lesson 4 Duration of the recording: 39 min. Synopsis In lying on the side, and in standing on hands and knees, you hold the ankle or the lower leg (with the hand of the same side) and take the knee in a big circle, as the […]

AY409 Lean on the knee and get up

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 9 Reel 26, Track 4, Lesson 2 Duration of the recording: 42 minutes Synopsis From side sitting, to taking the knees from side to side, to turning the pelvis to lift over the front knee, to half-kneeling, to standing. Lesson Outline Side-sit, with R leg in front and L behind. Lean […]

AY376 Clocks in three positions

Source Alexander Yanai Vol 8 AY #376 Reel 24, Track 4, Lesson 6 Duration of the recording: unknown Synopsis In this pelvic clock lesson, you work in sitting leaning on hands, sitting leaning on elbows/forearms, and lying, all with soles of the feet together and knees open. You start with 12/6 (reversed from all other […]

Amherst 1 – Week 5 – 07/10/80 PM1 Circling left rotating the bucket/Moving Right Leg in Circles Under body on Side, Back and Stomach (Includes Swiveling Stomach to Sitting and Visualization of Left Arm Circles)

  Source Amherst Year 1 July 10 PM1 Duration of the recording: 54 min. Continuation of 07/10/80 Circling right arm and leg on floor (part 1) and 07/10/80 Circling right arm and leg on floor (part 2) the same day in the morning. Synopsis From sitting, spinning on hips/thighs to lie on stomach facing the […]