Amherst 2 – Week 2 – 06/15/81 Interlacing fingers and toes to lift foot (continued)
Source Amherst Year 2 Duration of the recording: 53 min. Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of the teaching In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on Related ATMs Tag Toes Tag Imagining Tag Rolling-to-sit Tag Coming-to-sit Tag Demonstration Tag Habits Tag […]
AY064 Tilting the head while lifting the hip
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 2 (51-100) Reel 5, Track 1, Lesson 2 (This reference is identical with the reference of AY060 in the IFF edition.) correction: 060 is 5/1/2, 064 is 5/2/2 (AS) Reel 5, Track 2, Lesson 2 (according to Eva Laser IFF: With the exception of few variations this lesson is almost […]
Amherst 1 – Week 6 – 07/14/80 AM1 Tilting elbow and knee inside and outside
Source Amherst Year 1 (1980) Duration of the recording: 48 min. Continuation of 07/11/80 Right index holding big toe (part 1)/ Sitting On Back and Rolling and 07/11/80 Right index holding big toe (part 2)/ Bringing Elbow Over Knee the end of the last week. Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed […]
AY041 Basic bending
Source Alexander Yanai Volume 1 Reel 3, Track 4, Lesson 4 Synopsis Similar to “Dead Bird” but with different variations at the beginning and end. Side sitting, symmetrical, repeat each step on second side. Constraints: side-sitting legs and the floor hand. Includes a side-bending variation (6.) A deadbird lesson with very astonishing movements. Moshe Feldenkrais […]
AY469 Separating twists on a chair
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 10 Reel 30, Track 3, Lesson 2 Duration of the recording: 40 min. Synopsis Sitting in a chair, with each hand resting on the thigh or both hands on one thigh, you turn (twist) to the side and differentiate the head and eyes, looking from side to side and up and […]
Amherst 1 – Week 2 – 06/17/80 AM1 – Seated and Twist Left, Part 1 [Also known as ‘Dead Bird’]
Source Amherst Year 1 06/17/80 AM1 Seated and Twist Left, Part 1 [Also known as ‘Dead Bird’] Duration of the recording: 53 min. DVD 5; VHS 12 audio only Synopsis Lesson Outline Sit R leg bent back, L leg in front, lean on L hand behind. R hand hanging just below eye height. Turn L […]
AY288 Lengthening the back in refined movements, in sitting
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 6 Reel 20, Track 1, Lesson 4 Synopsis In sitting, with the legs lying on their outside edges, knees slightly bent, you develop a circle with your head and whole back, while bent forwards, hands resting on the legs, and while bent backwards, leaning on both hands behind. Also, you gradually […]
AY054 Differentiation of eyes, head, and back in twisting movements
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 2 #54 Reel 4, Track 3, Lesson 4 Synopsis A dead bird lesson. For most of the lesson you are going to the right though at the very end one imagines going to the left and then you do the variations you can remember to the left. It is different than […]