AY077 A Clock
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 2 AY#77 Reel 6, Track 3, Lesson 1 Synopsis This pelvic clock lesson works with the nose and pelvis travelling their clocks, while the legs and arms are placed in various positions. This short video is a visual reminder of AY 77. Someone else might interpret the movement you see with […]
AY183 Lying on the feet 1
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 4 Reel 13, Track 2, Lesson 3 Synopsis The end-point is lying with your feet under the pelvis, toes turned in and heel turned out (so the heel is under the same-side buttock and the toes are under the opposite-side buttock). Preparation includes bending the toes under and away from the […]
AY019 Preparation for a clock
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 1 AY #19 Reel 2, Track 2, Lesson 4 (according to Eva Laser https://www.somatik.se) Reel 2, Track 1, Side B, Lesson 4 (IFF) in Hebrew identical to 16/2/4 (AS) Duration 36 min. For German see AYnmal täglich: Vorbereitung für eine Uhr Synopsis This “preparation” for a pelvic clock works in lying […]
AY381 Pillows right and left
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 8 Reel 25, Track 1, Lesson 2 Duration of the recording: 45 minutes Synopsis Here is Alfons Grabher from Improving Ability doing a Fast Forward version: Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of Moshe’s Teaching Indicate focus or key principles that are made explicit in the teaching Related […]
AY221 Opposing movements in the head and shoulders, (2)-on the knees
Source Alexander Yanai Volume 5 Reel 15, Track 4, Lesson 4 Synopsis Standing on the knees, one hand to the floor, the other to the ceiling, the lesson takes us through a series of increasingly complex investigations that require increasing flexibility of the chest, thoracic spine, as well as the shoulder girdle and neck. In […]
AY217 On the side, the sternum becoming flexible
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 5 #217 Reel 15, Track 2, Lesson 3 Synopsis This lesson involves lying on the side, but with the shoulders turned back towards the floor/face towards ceiling. You explore various directions of lifting and turning the head, using your fingertips to soften your ribcage and slide your sternum. Lesson Outline On […]
AY218 On the side, bending and twisting the chest and spine
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 5 Reel 15, Track 2, Lesson 4 Synopsis Write a couple of sentences. Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of Moshe’s Teaching Indicate focus or key principles that are made explicit in the teaching Related ATMs Tag Softening-chest Tag Side-bending Side bending, twisted: Side bending on the knees: […]
AY025 On the cheek
Source Alexander Yanai Volume 1 Reel 2, Track 4, Lesson 4 (This reference is identical to the reference of AY038 in the IFF edition) correction: 038 is 3/4/1 in Hebrew (AS) Duration 37 min. For German see AYnmal täglich: Auf der Wange Synopsis On all fours, put one cheek on the floor. Roll the face […]
ATM Book Lesson 10 – Movement of the Eyes Organizes the Movement of the Body
Source ATM Book Lesson 10 Synopsis This is *the* deadbird ATM. “Now you will learn how eye movements coordinate the body movements, and how they are linked to the movement of the neck muscles. Testing these connections of eye and neck muscles separately increases control of body movements and makes them easier. The movement of […]
AY029 Minimal lifting
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 1 Reel 3, Track 1, Lesson 3 (according to Eva Laser https://www.somatik.se) Reel 3, Track 1, Lesson 3, Side B (IFF) identical to 16/3/4 (AS) Duration 36 min. For German see AYnmal täglich: Minimales Heben Synopsis On the back, then on the front, lift leg, lift arm, then both together on […]