- Alexander Yanai Vol 11 (501-550)
- Reel 33, Track 2, Lesson 3
- Duration of the recording: 40 min.
- This lesson is done facing forward in an armless chair with both feet standing in front of the chair, with the left half of your buttocks off the chair, while the right sit bone and right half of your buttocks sitting on the edge of the left side of the chair. We affectionately call it the half assed lesson because it reorganizes the pelvis and shoulder girdle along with the ribs, while in half sitting on the chair, with the support of the right sit bone and left & right foot and the right hand on the left side of the chair as your base of support in most variations that involve, side bending, rotation, flexion and extension. You feel more centered, lengthened and over your pelvis once you come to stand at the end of the lesson.
Lesson Outline
- Sit on R sit-bone on the edge of the L side of an armless chair. Legs spread where they can stand comfortably. Place your R hand on the R side of the chair (position throughout lesson). Bend you head & body to the R with easy movements. This becomes the Test Movement throughout the lesson.
- Now, tilt just the head alone, and notice if L hip moves lower.
- Now do head and body together.
- Same position. Right sit bone on L side of chair. R hand on chair. L buttocks off the chair with both feet on the floor, sitting forwards. Lift your L arm in front and move it forward, then return it Does your head move with your arm?
- Now, same movement but take your L knee, L sit-bone and L hip. Backwards on the chair without straightening the L leg
- Now take the head backwards with chin lifted from chest with your L sit-bone & hip
- Same movement, but chin comes closer to the throat.
- Continue same movement, L arm forward, with head & L hip backwards, but also take the L shoulder blade backward.
- Now, just the L shoulder blade backward without bending your L elbow
- Same position. Now move just your L shoulder forward and backward.
- Now when the L shoulder blade goes backward, take the L hip forward. Many times.
- Test Movement: tilt you head to the R
- Same position but now extend the L arm to the ceiling with the palm of the L hand on head , turn the head and the arm to the R, and look to the R & feel the R sitbone on the chair.
- Now raise the straight L arm to the ceiling again, without power and continue to turn to the R
- With each movement to the R raise the L arm higher.
- Now turn to the L and look L with the L arm up in the air. Notice what happens to your L sit-bone that is off the chair.
- Now alternate turn L and then turn R
- Test Movement: tilt your head to the R and return.
- Turn head R and lower L shoulder more.
- When you become erect, Lift the L shoulder to L ear.
- Same position with L hand up to ceiling without movement as you turn the head, as if to look underneath the arm Then return
- Direct the chin underneath the armpit
- Lift the head, but turn in the opposite direction
- Now alternate chin under the armpit, and in opposite direction with head lifted.
- As you continue to alternate, take the L arm backward as you look R & take L arm forward as you look underneath the L arm.
- Now same movement but chin is over the upper L arm that moves to the R. Then the opposite: the head goes R and down.
- Extend the L arm up, lower the head forward with the chin toward the chest. The L arm will go a bit with the head. Then erect yourself and take the head & arm backward, Only within your comfort and ease
- Now head & arm in opposition: when arm is down your head goes up and when arm is up your head goes down.
- In standing turn with your legs to the R and then to the L</li
- Sit as before, do the Test Movement: tilt you head towards your R shoulder.
- Remain in that position and extend L arm up in the air with palm of L hand towards your face. Turn your nose more and more to the L so you face is horizontal. The Nose goes up towards the cileing and returns, several times, slowly.
- The L arm goes backward whether or not you want it to. Turn your head and eyes to the L and return.
- Remain with arm backward, and turn the nose to the R as you look down. Then return
- Look once to the L and once to the R and the arm goes in the opposite direction. Head is R and L arm is L behind. If head looks L, then L arm is R toward R shoulder.
Head remains horizontal.
- Test Movement: bend the head and body to the R several times.
- When you go down with the head to the R. Also lift the L shoulder to the head. And the R shoulder goes down by itself. Do it quick and easy
- Now move just the L shoulder forward and backward
Focus of the teaching
- In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on
Related ATMs
- AY509. Both sides and knee. (Page 3469)
- Tag Side-bending
- Tag Sitting-on-a-chair
- Tag Hip-backward
- Tag Fast-movements
- Tag unilateral
- Tag Sitz-bone
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- AY509 Both sides and knee
Side bending, sitting on a chair:
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