Your study guide for ATM lessons



In this variant of the Four Cardinal Points lessons, you come to sitting and return back to four points with the “threading” leg staying long.

Lesson Outline

  1. Stand on both hands and both feet.
    Lift R hand.
    Lift L hand.
    Lift R foot.
    Lift L foot.
    Lift R hand and L foot.
    Lift L hand and R foot.
    Try all combinations by yourself.
  2. Lift R hand and R foot.
    Lift L hand and L foot.
  3. Diagonals.
    Lift both legs.
  4. Lift R foot and place R leg on the floor to sit (your upper body turns to the left).
  5. To the other side.
  6. Alternate.
  7. Do the the right in thinking only, 20 times. Then do the other side in thinking only.
  8. Turn face L, bend R leg to floor–then lengthen R leg and keep it there; place L hand on top of head and make circles–while leaning on R hand and L foot. Place L hand on floor again, and try moving R leg back up to standing and extended again, this time without bending it. Go all the way to sitting and return, with the R leg staying straight.
  9. Same as 8. but on other side.
  10. From four points to sitting, alternate sides. Then do it simultaneously as a group (with the other students together).
  11. On four points try lifting variations like 1. again. Is it easier, more familiar?

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

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