- Alexander Yanai Volume 8
- Reel 24, Track 1, Lesson 5
- Duration: 44 minutes
- Side lying, holding the shin of the upper leg parallel to the floor bring the knee in an arc from the chest to behind; the range is important – only what is possible. Sense the “tanden” (or danTian” or “Hara”) in location and also how it is essential to breath, initiating the inhilation and exhilation. Sense the femur moving, its length, the space between the femur and the pelvis. Initially the movement is in a plane parallel to the floor. Then it changes as one senses the possibility of the heel to move to the ceiling & the floor, and how this can change the relative location of the tanden, and the back of the head.
Lesson Outline
- Highly condensed outline of key movements
Focus of the teaching
- Some thoughts on “tanden”. What is the physical location?
- The transcript refers to the “tanden” as a Japanese word (see also: Hara: )
An important question is, “How was Moshe instructed in this concept?” An article from the Aikido tradition may be a little closer to how Moshe was instructed (see: The Chinese version is “Dantian” and is referenced a great deal in Tai Chi, and all things “Chi”. Also “Ki”.
- It is intriguing to wonder about the development of the thinking of Dr Feldenkrais. His perspective was appreciated in the Judo world. I understand that Dr. Feldenkrais was invited to the first international Judo meeting following WWII, because he understood the Eastern perspective, AND was able to both describe this from a western perspective, but also to give lessons on how to more clearly sense it (such as this lesson). (Is this in the book by Mark Reese?)
- In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on
Related ATMs
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- Tanden, Hara, Dantian
- Body & Mature Behavior, P. 50:
“The higher exponents of Judo show such great skill and perfection in the control of the head and especially the hips and lower abdomen (Saika-Tanden) that their performances seem to defy all laws of gravity.
Unless the pelvis and the head are carried properly, no athletic perfection can be achieved with ease, and some performances are quite impossible without these two requisites; a fact well known to all specialists and yet generally little appreciated.”
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- Differing viewpoints are welcome and desired!
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