AY313 Rolling at the rate of stretching and bending
Source AY Volume 7 Reel 21, Track 4, Lesson 1 Duration: 40 minutes Synopsis A delightful rolling lesson. Rolling is creating through extension and flexion AY 313 develops fluid rolling movements by progressing from elbow-to-knee connections in side-lying to full circular rolling patterns. The lesson builds coordination between gathering and extending the body while rolling, […]
AY314 Preparation for a candle
Source Alexander Yanai Volume 7, Part A Reel 21, Track 4, Lesson 2 Duration: 41 minutes Synopsis “Candle” refers to a yoga pose commonly called the shoulder stand. That is, the person rests on the head and shoulders with the pelvis and legs vertical, the pelvis supported by the hands. In a variety of counter-intuitive […]
AY162 Balancing on the hands (1)
Source Alexander Yanai Volume 4 Reel 12, Track 1, Lesson 2 Synopsis Source: http://www.sarvyoga.com/mayurasana-peacock-pose-steps-and-benefits/ The process for becoming able to do an approximation of a special, but often very difficult Yoga pose called “Peacock” or “Swan” (Mayurasana) opens to the student many insights on the possibilities of the constraints that he or she may have […]
AY166 Balancing on feet that are joined
Source Alexander Yanai Volume 4 Reel 12, Track 2, Lesson 2 Synopsis It is not certain to this writer how Dr. Feldenkrais intended for the relationship of the feet to be. One Yoga pose (see image, at right) seems to be similar to all aspects. It is sometimes called Toe Stand, Balancing Butterfly, or Padangustasana. […]
AY190 Heels under the pelvis 1 (In and out)
Source Alexander Yanai Volume 4 Reel 13, Track 4, Lesson 2 (according to Eva Laser https://www.somatik.se) Reel 13, Track 3, Lesson 2 (This reference is identical with the reference of AY186 in the IFF edition.) Synopsis A very challenging lesson, particularly for the knees (and also vulnerable ankles). Continuing the ideas on pulling the foot […]
AY173 Knees inward to the floor
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 4 Reel 12, Track 4, Lesson 1 Synopsis 1-3 sentences. Lesson Outline Lying face up, feet standing, knees wide: tilt R knee to inside to lie on the floor; other side; alternate. Same position, place R knee on floor between legs. Stand L foot on middle of R lower leg. Bring […]
AY135 Legs to the side and lifting them with the hands
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 3 #135 Reel 10, Track 2, Lesson 1 Synopsis 1-3 sentences. Lesson Outline Sit with L leg bent back, R leg bent in front. Lean on R hand behind. Take L foot with L hand and drag forward so L knee comes up, towards armpit. Let leg straighten so knee can […]
AY288 Lengthening the back in refined movements, in sitting
Source Alexander Yanai Vol 6 Reel 20, Track 1, Lesson 4 Synopsis In sitting, with the legs lying on their outside edges, knees slightly bent, you develop a circle with your head and whole back, while bent forwards, hands resting on the legs, and while bent backwards, leaning on both hands behind. Also, you gradually […]
AY136 Looking at the back while sitting
Source Alexander Yanai Vol. 3 #136 Reel 10, Track 2, Lesson 2 Synopsis Summary: Internal sensing and external sensing. Sensing the location of C7, the shape of the neck, locations of scapulae, location of L5, the distance from C7 to shoulder, from nape to ear, the width of the mouth, of the nose. Ends with […]
AY185 Lying on the Feet # 3 and breathing rhythmically #2
Source Alexander Yanai Volume 4 Reel 13, Track 3, Lesson 1 Synopsis Combining the theme of breathing rhythmically (equalizing the breath in four parts–AY 180) with lying on the feet under the pelvis (AY 183–184). Lesson Outline Highly condensed outline of key movements Focus of Moshe’s Teaching Indicate focus or key principles that are made […]