- Alexander Yanai Vol 11 Lesson 516
- Reel 33, Track 4, Lesson 2
- Duration of the recording: 52 min.
- A lesson done in standing, lying on abdomen, and lying on the back in the shape of an X, coordinating the movements of the extremities from the power of the pelvis and abdomen.
Lesson Outline
- Stand with arms and legs spread like an X, palms forward. Move the pelvis forwards and backwards.
- Lie prone. Extend the arms and legs the same way. Lift your R leg simply.
- Leave R leg as it is and imagine painting with a wide brush your R heel, R tendon, Right calf, behind the knee, the thigh, and R buttock.
- Continue, in imagination painting all the way back down to the heel.
- Continue do to the same along the outside of the R leg to the top of the R hip
- Now, lift L arm easily, leaving it long
- Use the brush to paint the back of the L arm from fingers to shoulder blade
- Try to lift the L arm again to clarify shoulder blade. Continue to paint the shoulderblade, then the upper part of the arm that faces the hand, then the parts of the arm that face away from the hand.
- Lift the arm a few times.
- Now lift the L arm and R leg together, and imagine that you paint the parts of you that work to lift these parts.
- Make the lifting smaller, faster, paying attention to the painted parts
- Imagine that you lift the R heel, the entire R leg, the R side of the pelvis, so that you feel pressing into the L chest, arm, and underarm
- Slowly lift R leg (in the notes it says L) helping by lifting L arm. Use the parts that are note painted so the arm lifts the same amount as when you lower the leg. Keep the L arm lifted as you lower the leg
- Now, lift arm, leg, and head and remain; shift the weight towards the armpit, and then lowering the leg, lift the arm—like a boat rocking stay bowed and shift towards the arm and towards the leg.
- Lie and rest on the abdomen
- Stand, legs and arms spread. Bring pelvis and belly forward many times.
- Do this and also contract the buttocks, sending the painted parts and the head backwards.
- Rest
- Prone, extend arms and legs at 45 degrees again. Lift L arm and R leg easily again.
- Now, only push stomach down and imagine lifting arms, head and legs.
- Press the stomach, lift both legs easily
- Lift arms and legs smallest amount and do it quickly and simply
- Rest
- Stand up, hands and arms spread. Stand on heels and imagine taking the pelvis forward and backwards. Then do it.
- Push the stomach forwards quickly, lightly, and return
- Stand as you are
- Do the same, slowly, with only L hip and abdomen go forwards as R arm and head go back
- Now, only R side of abdomen and R hip forward as L arm and head go backwards.
- Now, in the middle, abdomen goes forward, everything else participates.
- Lie and rest
- Prone, legs and arms extended, lift stomach from floor.
- Continue, faster, smaller movements.
- Rest
- Coordinate a small crawling of knees forward as abdomen rises.
- Now only in imagination, lift the stomach and think of what happens to your back.
- Try in reality.
- Imagine lifting the stomach high enough to allow the knees to come under the abdomen.
- Try it with just the R knee.
- Try it with just the L knee
- Try it with both knees
- Stand, arms and legs spread. Stand on heels only, feet completely on the ground. Pull stomach, pelvis backwards and return many times.
- Continue, faster, very fast, with the rest of you free to respond how it wants.
- Now, slowly only the R hip, R abdomen back.
- Now, slowly only the L hip and abdomen back
- Now alternate slowly, clarifying each.
- Return to the middle, small movements of pelvis and abdomen backwards
- Now quickly.
- Lie down and rest
- On the back, spread arms and legs. Try to take the pelvis and abdomen backwards.
- While doing this, try to lift both arms and head away from floor
- Make this small and quick
- Rest
- Return to pressing the abdomen lifting only the legs. Quick and small, without banging the floor.
- Faster without rushing
- Rest
- Extend arms above head again, legs wide, stomach and pelvis backwards, lift arms, legs, head with very small movements, quickly without banging
- Stand, extend arms and legs spread. Legs spread a lot. Weight in heels. Take pelvis forward and backward; arms, head, legs respond as they do.
- Increase coordinated movement
- Make the movement very small
- Rest in standing
- Stand with arms and legs spread. Recall the painting of the R leg and L arm. With arms and legs in same relationship, try to stand only on the R leg so that the R leg and L arm are vertically aligned.
- Now the same over the L leg
- Now back and forth
- Stay in the middle and move the pelvis forward and backwards without moving the arms. Place hands on hips to do this.
- Do largest movement of the pelvis forward and backwards with weight in your heels.
- Lift arms and continue.
- Lower arms and walk.
Focus of the teaching
- In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on
Related ATMs
- X’s on the back Mia Segal 1977
- Simpler AY 339
- Simpler on the back and stomach AY 341
- Tag Imagining
- Tag Painting
- Tag Diagonals
- Tag Fast-movements
- Tag Protruding-abdomen
- Tag In-standing
- Tag Movement-of-opposition
- Tag Hip-backward
- Tag Weight-on-heels
- Tag Rocking-on-arc-prone
- Tag Lifting-straight-legs-prone
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