Your study guide for ATM lessons


  • Alexander Yanai Vol 2 #76
  • Reel 6, Track 2, Lesson 5 (according to Eva Laser
  • Reel 6, Track 2, Lesson 3 (This reference is identical to the reference of AY074 in the IFF edition.)
  • correction: 074 is 6/2/3, 076 is 6/2/5 in Hebrew (AS)


  • Write a couple of sentences.

Lesson Outline

On stomach, arms extended “in front”. Lift head, smallest possible. What goes to floor? Chest? L/R?

  • Then lift R arm and head, lightest possible. Which ribs now, which side?
    • Then thinking and not doing–think that someone pulls from the hand and when you lift they feel no pull or resistance.
  • Rest like this.
  • Other side. (Gradually, develop the idea that you lift so lightly you can also put down lightly, you lift and can decide when to put down again or to stay.)
  • Rest like this.
  • Lift R leg, whole leg. Smallest, not high. Where press, and what lets go or shifts as you leave it, put it down. Not leaning on other leg.
    • Add that as you lift, someone pulls on L hand to lengthen.
    • The air empties as you lift.
    • Other leg. Again the balance so someone could pull the opposite arm without resistance.
  • Lie on back to rest. Where is the difference.
  • On stomach again, lift head again: is the pressure lower in the chest, in the abdomen, compared to the beginning? Arms extended, not straight–elbows a little bent.
    • Expand the lower abdomen near the pubic bone–this enables you to use the spine exactly correctly to lift the head.
    • Also lift the R arm. Discuss distal/proximal.
    • Other side. (Legs spread.)
  • Rest like this.
  • Palms on floor near shoulders, elbows standing. Lift R leg and at the same time lift head and let eyes “fly” forward. How use stomach/back. If you’re using these properly, the neck muscles are free and you can look anywhere.
    • Other leg. The arms shouldn’t work, NOT deliberately lifting your shoulders with effort of your arms.
    • Alternate legs. How do you transfer head, is it symmetrical, is the use of the back/pressure on the abdomen symmetrical?
  • Rest on back.
  • Back on stomach, feet, arms extended. Lift R arm and R leg. Pressure transfers to L? Take back of head L too. Think of it like someone takes R elbow and R knee and lifts to roll you onto your L side–soft, light.
    • Try on other side. (Big difference) Slowly.
    • Once R and once L. Slowly, boring, side to side.
  • Rest on back.
  • Then face down, arms loosely extended. Lift both legs, swinging eyes up. Head lengthens, imagine someone pulls. Does back work equally both sides?
  • Then most difficult part (and lesson ends prematurely). lift both arms.

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

  • Distal/proximal

Related ATMs



Lengthening the neck:

Proximal/Distal principle:


Share Your Insights (ideas, principles, strategies, experiences, …)

  • It’s a bit like a classic four points lesson, but with arms and legs stretched flat out – travelsheep Feb 17, 2013
  • Don’t forget to take a potty break before the lesson, you’ll be leaning against your bladder 😉

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