Your study guide for ATM lessons



This is a continuation of the pillows and swings ATM series (lessons 380-382). Builds upon similar themes.

Lesson Outline

  1. On back with the legs long. Bring the legs together so feet, knees, thighs touch. How does this affect the breathing.
    1. Flex and Extend the feet together in this position. Many times. Do the toes move?
    2. Bring toes into the movement so that they go with flexing/extending feet.
    3. Differentiate the toes from the foot movements (i.e., the toes go opposite of feet).
  2. Lie on the R side. Lift the L leg long and swing it forward and back. Useful to recall the pillows and swings ATM (AY 380-382)
    1. Do variations of the foot and toes movements (flexing and extending) with the leg still (not swinging).
    2. Repeat this on the other side
  3. Lie on the R side. Lift L leg long. Swing L leg forward and back.
    1. Bring upper body forward and the L leg goes forward and bring upper body backwards as leg goes backwards. So the leg and head flex and extend together. Gently.
    2. Now as the L leg comes forward the body moves backward. These movements are similar to the pillows and swings ATM. Rest.
  4. Repeat 3 on the other side.
  5. Lie on the R side. Legs on top of each other with knees bent at 90 degrees. Lift L leg with the knee bent.
    1. Swing L leg forward and backward. Do this only in the hip joint so that there is no movement in the knee and joints.
    2. Swing the L leg backward (bent at 90 degrees) and keep it there.
      1. Flex and extend the ankle. Allow the toes to move with the movement.
      2. Differentiate toes from the ankle movements.
      3. Make a circle with the heels – both clockwise and counter-clockwise directions. (In class we did variations on the back to help develop the ideas of heel circles).
      4. Now with the L leg in the same backward position, bend and straighten the L knee joint. Let there be no movement in the hip joint. Use the image of tapping the butt with the knee.
  6. Repeat 5 on the other side
  7. Lie on the R side, legs on top of each other with knees bent at 90 degrees. Lift the L leg and hold the L ankle with the L hand. The L arm is outside of the L knee. Now, Lift L knee, foot, and head all together and lower them. Lift and lower so that they are always at the same height. Keep the L foot and knee at the same level. Many times. Rest.
  8. Repeat 7 on the other side
  9. Rest/scan/stand and walk. Repeat 2 to see if it is better..

Focus of Moshe’s teaching

Related ATMs

This ATM is part of a relatively long series in AY that some call the “Pillows and Swings” series. This title comes from the first lesson in the series AY380 “Pillows and Swings”. The ATM series includes lesson AY 380-383 (see 381) and then continues with lessons AY 392-395. Note that these later lessons have cryptic titles such as “Continuation” (for AY 393 and 394).


Swinging the legs, sidelying:

Flexing toes:
Circling the heel:



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