- Alexander Yanai Vol. 9
- Reel 28, Track 4, Lesson 3
- Duration of the recording: 43 minutes
- Coming from lying to sitting by means of holding the knee, leg or foot. This is a pretty ‘gymnastic’ lesson which ends with a brief visit to primary image and using swallowing to influence breathing, which is seen in a number of other ATMs.
Lesson Outline
- Supine, knees bent, place ankle on the opposite knee and move the bent knee to the the same side, with the face also turning in that direction; also with the face turning in the opposite direction. It is unclear here if the right leg is straight or bent.
- Place one ankle on the opposite knee and drag the heel (of the rested-upon leg) on the floor towards the buttock.
- Repeat, lifting the head with interlaced hands behind the head. Repeat on the other side.
- Repeat, with the hand behind the opposite ear and the other hand on its opposite foot. Move the elbow towards the knee.
- Repeat to the other side.
- Repeat, directing the elbow to the foot or toes.
- With the left ankle on the right knee, bend the right leg in the hip and hold the left knee with the right hand, and move the knee (and hand) away to pull the body to sitting, pushing the left knee to the floor. Repeat to the other side.
- With the left ankle on the right knee, hold the foot and the knee with the respective hands. Swing up to sitting. Repeat to the other side.
- With the foot on the opposite knee, hold with both hands behind the supporting knee, from above the foot. ‘Lift the body to sitting on the side’.Try not to swing, or swing to a minimum.
- Repeat with one hand behind the head, reduce the swing of the leg till it becomes small or unnecessary.
- Rest. Think of the length of the legs. Imagine the body long and light. Breath in the stomach, swallow.
Focus of the teaching
- In addition to the movements, what theme or ideas did the teacher focus on
- Deglutition reflex, using swallowing to impact breathing. A question remains, what is the role on breathing of swallowing, that it was introduced by Dr. Feldenkrais in some of his lessons?
Related ATMs
- There are many ATM’s with the concept of rolling to sit. Here are some that have been “tagged” in FeldyNotebook: Theme Rolling to Sit
- Additional thoughts:
- Possibly AY3 Rolling to sit with the Elbow; possibly AY249 Knee pulling the Shoulders to Sit Indian Style; possibly AY368 Lifting the head by extending the arms. Possibly also AY429 Ankle and Head on the Side (a ‘5 Winds Kata’ ATM)
- Tag Twisting
- Tag Imagining
- Tag Hip/Pelvis Freedom
- Tag Flexion-lesson
- Tag Coming-to-sit
- Tag Knee-pulls-arm
- Tag Sitz-bone
- Tag Swinging-legs-supine
- Tag Softening-chest
- Tag Elbow-to-knee
- Tag Rocking-on-arc-supine
- Tag Swallowing-saliva
- Tag lifting-leg-with-the-other-one
Knee towards floor while ankle on the other thigh:
- Add links to external resources that would be of interest to the reader
Share Your Insights (ideas, principles, strategies, experiences, …)
- This lesson throws up lots of questions about understanding and interpreting the lesson instructions. Should the leg be straight or bent? Should one turn to the side, roll to the side, to the front, or not roll or turn at all? (Ben Parsons)
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