Your study guide for ATM lessons




1-3 sentences.

Lesson Outline

  1. Face up. Interlace hands behind head and lift head.
    • Arms alongside, lift head. This should be more difficult, but it’s easier. Why?
    • Bend knees, stand feet. Lift legs from floor. Then stretch them and do the same. See? It’s harder.
    • With arms alongside, sit up. Then try the same thing with arms stretched overhead. See? It’s harder. Breathe out as you lift your head. That doesn’t help (demonstrating something in relation to a student’s comments)
    • Arms alongside, lift head, and study what you have to do to make it easier.
    • Hands on sternum, and press down towards pubic bone.
    • Arms interlaced behind head, and use them to lift while thinking that someone continues to press to flatten chest/slide sternum down belly.
    • Keep arms in the same position, but lift head without using them (they just accompany the head). Do the same with the hands just touching either side of the head. It gets even lighter. It’s not the hands holding the weight of the head, but the position this brings the arms into in relation to the stomach, and how this enables the chest to flatten more easily.
    • Emphasizes now that this becomes easy insofar as the lumbar spine comes onto the floor.
  • Face up, knees bent, feet standing. Now try to take the nose between the knees/knees to either side of the head.
    • R hand behind head, L hand below R kneecap. Take elbow and knee towards one another–just the most comfortable part of the movement. Which part of the chest/which side presses more into the floor?
    • [He comes at this three times, with breaks, because he has to clarify some things about instructions: lift your knee and not your foot (of course your foot goes, but you don’t add a lifting of your foot; don’t straighten your L leg); the position of feet standing (it isn’t comfortable to have legs joined, of course knees and feet should be spread); what’s “above” and “below” and “beneath” the knee/kneecap.]
    • Change hands only, and compare what presses into the floor. Try it breathing in, and breathing out, and continue with whichever works best.
    • Rest with feet standing and see which side of pelvis lies on floor better.
    • L hand below L knee, R hand behind head. Think/imagine, ten times. Then actually do it.
    • Same thing, but change hands. (If you had eyes open, do it eyes closed, and vice versa.)
    • Then compare the leg you worked on in imagination, and the one you actually moved.
  • Now that the movement is well-organized, you can do it with the knees bent or the legs long, and it’s the same.
    • Now lift both head and knees, R knee to R elbow; L knee to L elbow; L knee to R elbow; R knee to L elbow.
  • Sit up. Notice interlacing of hands. Change. Then lie again and take knee and opposite elbow towards one another, with the non-habitual interlacing, and feel how different it is.

Focus of Moshe’s Teaching

  • Weight further from the centre of the body is heavier. But not in this case.
  • Feeling the answer to the question yourself, rather than learning it “academically.”
  • Uses the imagination work to bring attention to the mood of learning.

Related ATMs

Also see Theme Flexion Lesson:


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